• What should I wear for my sauna appointment?

    You can undress to your comfort level for inside the sauna, but we recommend wearing or bringing comfortable, loose fitting clothing to put on following your appointment.

  • Can I sauna after a spray tan?

    No, the tan will not stay on if you sauna immediately following a spray tan. Excessive sweating will cause the spray tan to fade faster. Instead, we recommend doing the sauna the day before a spray tan and waiting until later in the week to schedule a sauna appointment.

  • How often should I sauna?

    A couple times a week is ideal for the health and wellness benefits, but you can come once a day if you would like.

  • Can I bring a friend to sauna with me?

    Yes - the saunas we have are 2 person saunas. It is a $10 add on to add a friend to your sauna session - just bring your friend in with you to your appointment and we can add them on!