how to sauna


please arrive 5-10 minutes before your appointment time

if you are new please be sure to sign the waiver prior to your first appointment

hydrate - bring water with you

remove makeup, lotions, oils

wear or bring comfortable clothing

bring headphones if listening to electronic devices or we have bluetooth speakers you can connect to


remove shoes and clothing to your comfort level

place one towel on bench and use the other to towel off

be gentle with glass doors

do not turn sauna off or down - if too hot simply open sauna door

drink water - keep open containers outside of sauna and do not get water near any of the sauna heaters

do not eat in the sauna

read a book, meditate, stretch

if you have chosen to sauna with another person keep convos and music to a considerate volume


take a few minutes to cool down/towel off

make sure you exit the sauna room when your appointment time is complete - we allow an additional 10 minutes for cooling off and changing

please place used towels in laundry bins

take a moment to make sure you have all your belongings


Consult your doctor prior to first sauna use.

Do not use sauna if you…

are pregnant

are sick or have a fever

have a communicable disease

have serious inflammation

have acute bleeding

are intoxicated or have been drinking

are dehydrated